Cara Mengedit File Exe Visual Basic
How To modify exe dll Application files or Software and make your own setup 2015 part 1 of part 2 - Duration: 14:39. Arvind Kewat 87,871 views. How to edit DLL File. Open EXE File. You can open an executable file in Resource Editor by selecting Open with Resource Tuner from the context menu.
I used visual studio 2012 to create project and now i want to build that project to .exe file. what do i must do?

closed as not a real question by marc_s, J. Steen, Robert Rouhani, Marek Grzenkowicz, TilakDec 31 '12 at 13:07
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5 Answers
If it's a Console application or Winform or WPF application then you will get the executable by just building the application and it will be in your yourApplicationPath/Bin/Debug
EDIT (Based on the comment)
You have to rephrase your question. You need to see that:
The Visual Studio setup projects will not ship again – Visual Studio 2010 was the last release with support for it. So, you’ll want to make plans to migrate to something else. Of course, I’d suggest looking into WiX, and there are other options as well. The MSDN page Choosing a Windows Installer Deployment Tool contains a table showing a comparison of VS setup projects, WiX, and InstallShield Limited Edition.
Select 'Release' first from the Solution Configurations drop down box, otherwise your compiled/distributed executable will still be in debug mode. Not only does this effect performance but it has other negative effects.
Next go to the Build menu tab and select Build Solution (or press F6).
Then find your folder with your project and navigate to:yourprojectbinRelease
To fully Publish your program, select Publish from the Build tab and follow the Wizard. A Setup.exe will be created.
The executable is built every time you run the project. You can find the EXE
on the bindebug
folder located on your project folder.
but if you mean that you want to create a Setup File
or MSI
(or installers), please see the article below
Every time you compile and run your application, it creates an EXE which can be found in the following location:

Cara Mengedit Gambar
Within the menus of VisualStudio there is also an option toExport your project, which will build it to a specified path, as well, there is an option for creating an installer package if you so desire.

Cara Membuat File Exe Visual Basic 6.0
does it have 'Build' under Menu? if not, go to 'tools'->'setting', choose 'expert', then you should be able to see it now.