Download Save Game Yugioh Forbidden Memories Full Card
Problem is, I can only save on the emulator and not the game. Imvu. To answer your question, you simply need the memory card file within the. Can search Yugioh Forbidden Memories 2 on facebook for a download link for that.
Posted byDownload Game Yu-gi-oh Viet Hoa
Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories on OpenEmu ( No Memory Card Slot? )
Yu-gi-oh Forbidden Memories Download

Alright everybody, so I know many people played this game on PCX or whatever emulator they used and they were able to do the memory card 1,2 and 3 trick to keep reusing the starchips. However I don't use that emulator and I play Yu Gi Oh FM on Openemu for mac OS and when I access the saved files it has no card slots 2 or 3 etc. Basically the game autosaves but also when I save manually it saves in the same folder as the autosaves. Is there a way to create a memory card slot and be able to trade my cards on OpenEmu?
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Sorry that this sounds confusing, i'm no emulator or pc expert and I would have played this game on my ps1 but i dont have my ps1 here so only way I can do is play on my mac.