Bsava Manual Of Exotic Pet And Wildlife Nursing Scrubs
(BSAVA British Small Animal Veterinary Association) Veterinary manual with chapters including an introduction, biology, husbandry, handling and Now in a newly revised, expanded and updated fourth edition, BSAVA Manual Of Exotic Pets is the British Small Animal Veterinary Associations is. Bsava manual of exotic pets bsava british small animal veterinary association. Bsava Manual Of Exotic Pet And Wildlife Nursing Author: Molly Varga.
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Table of contents
List of contributors
1 Mammalian imaging and anatomy 1
2 Rats and mice 13
3 Hamsters 26
4 Gerbils 34
5 Chipmunks 47
6 Guinea pigs 52
7 Chinchillas 65
Manual Of Exotic Pet Practice
8 Rabbits 76 Xforce keygen autocad civil 3d 2014 64 bit free download.
9 Ferrets 93
10 Other small mammals 102
11 Fancy pigs 116
12 Primates 127
13 Avian anatomy and imaging
a Avian anatomy and physiology 138
b Avian imaging 149
14 Cage and aviary birds 157
15 Pigeons 168
16 Birds of prey 179
17 Reptile and amphibian anatomy and imaging 193
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18 Tortoises and turtles 208
19 Lizards 223
20 Snakes 241
21 Amphibians 257
22 Ornamental fish 267

23 Invertebrates 280
24 British legislation 288
Index 293
'The fifth edition of the manual of exotic pets is a worthy addition to the range of BSAVA's manuals, and remains a ‘must-have' for the veterinary practice library, promoting good care and treatment of exotic pets'. (Veterinary Record, 20 November 2010)'The book is well illustrated, and good use is made of tables for the species' biological data, laboratory data, common diseases and drug formularies . . . The fifth edition of the manual of exotic pets is a worthy addition to the range of BSAVA's manuals, and remains a ‘must-have' for the veterinary practice library, promoting good care and treatment of exotic pets.' (Veterinary Record, 20 November 2010)
Автор:Lesa LongleyНазвание:Anaesthesia of Exotic Pets
Издательство:Saunders Ltd
Exotic Pet Tiger

Размер:30,9 MB
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Anaesthesia of Exotic Pets provides a unique and quick reference guide for all those working in veterinary practice. The book covers the common species seen and includes: the basic approach to the case, equipment required, drug doses, and anaesthetic induction and maintenance as well as anaesthetic monitoring techniques. Peri-anaesthetic nursing care, such as husbandry, fluid and nutritional support, is discussed for each species. Written by experienced practitioners, the book provides a common sense and practical approach to anaesthesia to enable a variety of techniques to be performed confidently.
•Covers practical information on anaesthesia for a successful outcome: how to assess and prepare the patient, lists of equipment required, how to perform the anaesthetic, husbandry, fluids and nutritional support

•Discusses commonly seen pathological conditions and their effect on the choice of anaesthetic and patient prognosis
•Provides an overview of the relevant anatomy and physiology in each species as this improves understanding of effects of anaesthesia and techniques used
•Describes both basic nursing and more advanced anaesthesia techniques, catering for all abilities and knowledge
•Contains tables of drug doses by species giving a quick reference for the busy practitioner
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